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  • ClientDinas PMPTSP Kabupaten Pesisir Barat
  • Year2017
  • ProjectSiManjaBaper (Sistem Informasi Manajemen Berkas Perizinan)
  • Url

PMPTSP office of Pesisir Barat district is a goverment office that manages investment services and one-stop integrated services in the Pesisir Barat  district. Accordingly   the PMPTSP office  has the authority to issue permit files for the Pesisir Barat districts. Manages licensing files, the PMPTSP office works with GINK Technology to build their application that is SIMANJA BAPER.

Simanja Baper ( permit file management information system) is a system that is a center for managing files or licensing letters under the supervision of the Pesisir  Barat and completeness of documents. In this application, letters will be managed based on predetermined categories so as to facilitate the management of permit documents issued by the  PMPTSP office of the Pesisir Barat district.